Friday 2 June 2017

4 days to go...

Well, my theory that little Heinz would be born on June 2nd is obviously incorrect, unless anything drastic happens between now and midnight! I think she has settled in for the long haul. It is quite disheartening to think she may still be in there this time in two weeks, eugh.

Off to the midwife again in a bit to check the blood pressure. My feet are like balloons, even flip flops are leaving marks on them. I'm quite glad it is summer as shoes have really taken a back seat this last week!

The 'pregnancy bible' does not have much to say at the moment and I've discovered it only takes pregnancy up to day 0 and then has a brief page about being over due and that's it... what will I read every morning then? Since day 100(ish) I have diligently turned the page and not 'read on'. What will keep me going now? Even looking up things online has gotten a bit boring. I don't think there is much for anyone to tell you once you get this far. The baby has grown and everything else I guess I should know by now!

In other news my hip/pelvis is still very much in pain, I am really really looking forward to being able to walk for longer than 5 minutes...wearing shoes...without waddling..those days are a distant memory.

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-5 days to go...

Still here...getting a bit bored now, think my boredom threshold is only so long and I'm now running out of things to keep me occupied! ...