Sunday 11 June 2017

-5 days to go...

Still here...getting a bit bored now, think my boredom threshold is only so long and I'm now running out of things to keep me occupied!

I have read about 'over due' babies every day since Tuesday and they still say the same thing - the baby is not necessarily 'over due' and she will come out eventually.
It may be that this time next week I will be in hospital being induced, not something I want to happen but at least I know there is an end to all this baby growing. And there is still quite a likelihood that she will make an appearance before then, just have to keep fingers crossed and see.

I have been walking around as much as possibly and bouncing around on the exercise ball so much it has needed re-inflating several times! I try and do all the cleaning and washing my car but have decided that exercise doesn't seem to make any difference to this predicament. Today I have managed to paint my toe nails - not an easy feat but I thought some bending over might help move things along - I think I've just sent her to sleep.

Each day that goes by is more painful. Moving my legs makes me feel as though I'm breaking apart and the pain in my hip from trying my hardest to stay on my left hand side, is horrendous. But, like I said there is only one more week at most. I'm sure after the past (almost) 41 weeks I can get through another week. I'm just going to have to find some other things to keep me occupied. I've managed to watch almost every episode of the six series of Downton Abbey in the past few weeks - I was hoping she would be here before I finished all of them - we shall see!

Thursday 8 June 2017

- 2 days to go...

Well we are still here, waiting and wondering how long this will take. No signs or symptoms as of yet although I think each day that goes by makes existing that bit more uncomfortable.

Went to see the midwife Tuesday and was asked whether I wanted the 'stretch and sweep'...I'm not sure whether wanting it is quite the right phrase but I agreed. Si said it was disgusting - wait until he witnesses childbirth. Anyway, it hasn't seemed to have had any effect and when she 'scored' me I came back as a 3/11 and I think that was her being generous. Basically means the likelihood of having a baby soon was quite slim. I think this next week will be the longest, unless of course anything happens.
My body continues to swell like a balloon. I have taken to wearing socks today to see if I can squeeze the water from my feet and back up my legs, so far this has resulted in a bulge appearing mid shin on each leg - not attractive. At least my feet are looking flatter :s

In good news the babe appears to have moved round a bit - all that learning over the exercise ball appears to have made something of a difference, although I'm fairly sure it's a case of she likes to move around a lot. This may be why she is not coming out - too tight a space and not a lot of wriggle room cannot be that appealing. 

And in not so good news my 'pregnancy bible' has now moved on to discussing 'the first days with your new baby' - I think they are just rubbing it in. I have been cheated into thinking I would have a baby by now. It's obviously not as easy as all that!

Monday 5 June 2017

1 day to go...

Still no sign of the babe. She has one more day before I start charging her for outstaying her welcome. I would quite like my body back now!
Midwife visit was interesting, I have been told she is quite far round to the side - not completely back to back but rather twisted round so I have been spending my weekend trying to get her to move over. I think she does move over a bit when I sleep on my left side but as soon as I get up and walk around she just goes back to where she was - very annoying. Apparently her being in this position can make labour harder and longer - great. It's all fun and games this baby lark! I suppose after waiting this long what's another two weeks - if we have to do that?!  Although I am starting to get fed up wearing the same 3 things that fit me. Wearing my normal clothes is something I am looking forward to, along with using the toilet a normal number of times and being able to breathe in when trying to get through a small gap!

I'm seeing the midwife again tomorrow, we will see if she can move anything along and get this baby out before the weekend! My new prediction is that she will come on election day (Thurs) as I have been asking for a while how would I vote if I'm in labour? I won't be able to just pop down to the polling station - I'm pretty sure I won't really care.

The pain in my pelvis is worse - I'm taking this as a good sign, and as of Friday my blood pressure had not gone up any more, although my feet have. It's a bit like walking on balloons.
Hopefully the next time I write anything I will have a tiny (hopefully) child with exciting!

Friday 2 June 2017

4 days to go...

Well, my theory that little Heinz would be born on June 2nd is obviously incorrect, unless anything drastic happens between now and midnight! I think she has settled in for the long haul. It is quite disheartening to think she may still be in there this time in two weeks, eugh.

Off to the midwife again in a bit to check the blood pressure. My feet are like balloons, even flip flops are leaving marks on them. I'm quite glad it is summer as shoes have really taken a back seat this last week!

The 'pregnancy bible' does not have much to say at the moment and I've discovered it only takes pregnancy up to day 0 and then has a brief page about being over due and that's it... what will I read every morning then? Since day 100(ish) I have diligently turned the page and not 'read on'. What will keep me going now? Even looking up things online has gotten a bit boring. I don't think there is much for anyone to tell you once you get this far. The baby has grown and everything else I guess I should know by now!

In other news my hip/pelvis is still very much in pain, I am really really looking forward to being able to walk for longer than 5 minutes...wearing shoes...without waddling..those days are a distant memory.

-5 days to go...

Still here...getting a bit bored now, think my boredom threshold is only so long and I'm now running out of things to keep me occupied! ...