Monday 24 April 2017

43 days to go...

Have got through my last working weekend, yay! Two working days in a row was hard, my hips hurt a lot last night meaning no position was comfortable to lie in, but I think I only woke up four times...could be worse.
This weekend also saw the beginnings of baby furniture building, which despite initial concerns actually went quite well and we now, at least, have a chest of drawers to put things in and a cot to rest various teddies on. Still have to build a wardrobe though which might be a bit more complicated.

This weekend in the 'pregnancy bible' it talks about the hospital bag. I've got a few things together just in case, however I probably won't need it until half way through June. On the list are things like 'old tshirts', 'breast pads', 'super absorbent sanitary towels'...things that fill you with confidence, my poor body will never be the same again. However, on every list I've seen so far for 'expectant dads' the number one item to take is 'snacks', closely followed by something to keep you entertained (phone, book etc), as you are most likely there for the long haul. So while I'm there in agony, with various bodily fluids leaking from all sorts of places, pushing something out of me which was a hell of a lot smaller when it went in, at least I can be assured that the expectant daddy is well fed and not bored. I suppose he has proved he can build baby furniture - got to think of the positives!  

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-5 days to go...

Still here...getting a bit bored now, think my boredom threshold is only so long and I'm now running out of things to keep me occupied! ...